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MBMV Group of Industries: Excellence in Manufacturing and Innovation

      MBMV Group of Industries is a renowned conglomerate with a rich legacy of excellence in manufacturing and innovating industrial products.
      At MBMV, we specialize in industrial range innovative products. We keep the commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction as a benchmark. We are dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients and contribute to their success.
      With a focus on sustainability and technological advancement, MBMV Group of Industries is poised for continued growth and leadership in the industry. Our team of experienced professionals is driven by a passion for innovation and a commitment to delivering excellence in everything we do.



BariAir was founded in 2022 since then we have a single purpose of offering great innovative products & services. The idea was to capture the white space offered in the public washroom automation accessories segment by the fast-growing Indian IT and hospitality Sector. Today, we are the largest selling public washroom automation accessory brand in India.

Our Statistics

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Know More about BariAir

Introducing the BariAir Air Curtain is a formidable solution that goes beyond mere climate control. Our powerful machine acts as a shield, preventing dust and insects from infiltrating your space, and ensuring cleanliness and hygiene providing a long-lasting solution that not only enhances comfort but also contributes to substantial energy savings, cutting your electricity bills by up to 40%.  Experience the magic of BariAir Air Curtains, creating a separate space without the need for a physical doorway. Ideal for diverse settings such as cold storage, industrial doors, and airports, our commercial air curtain redefines the standards of efficiency and protection for your environment.


Why BariAir?

Reliable and quality-focused product

a 3-year motor warranty that can be used commercially as well as for industrial purposes.

Made India

The product is completely developed and manufactured in India.

Promotes a Clean Environment

Air curtains promote a healthy and hygienic environment in a restaurant from insects.

Reduces Employee Complaints

Air curtains keep service entry, kitchen, and back-of-the-house areas clean and fume-free from outside.

Our Vision and Mission

- Team BariAir

 Creating sustainable AirCurtains service with natural, organic ingredients. A world built on strong, sustainable food service practices. Conservation, animal care, compassion, sustainability, and quality.